Frequently Asked Questions

We've answered a list of the most asked questions about Petiole Asset Management and private market investment. 


Petiole is a boutique asset manager that provides qualified investors access to exclusive and diversified private market investment opportunities. Our clients benefit from tailored alternative solutions, a rigorous investment process and a dedicated team specialized in private market investments.

Petiole has built partnerships with some of the most prestigious asset managers in the world including KKR, BlackRock, Carlyle Group, Goldman Sachs and more to provide our clients access to exclusive private market opportunities . These opportunities undergo a thorough vetting process to ensure viability and risk adjusted returns. Additionally, as a boutique asset manager, we provide our clients with professional support and advisory to ensure their success on their investment journey.

Petiole offers mainly access to alternative private market investments including asset classes such as private equity, private credit, real estate and more. Our programs include capital yielding, capital growth, cash management, and global credit.

In additional to catering to individual investors with affordable ticket sizes, Petiole also offers investment opportunities for professional investors in partnership with world-class asset managers. Our institutional investor clients will have the opportunity to take part in exclusive and international investment ventures.

Petiole’s specialized investment team scouts private markets worldwide, looking for promising opportunities in alternative assets, then subjects these opportunities to thorough scrutiny and vetting to choose one the most viable and promising ones. By having top-tier asset managers as our partners, the opportunities we put at the disposal of our professional clients, whether individual or institutional, ensure the preservation and growth of their capital.

Petiole follows a convenient and digital approach to onboarding clients. Using our innovative digital investment platform, you can easily complete your investor profile, assess your risk appetite, explore our exclusive opportunities in private market, then onboard hassle-free and start investing. We provide you the best combination between digital and human, thus our team of expert financial advisors is ready to offer personalized and tailored support.

Upon onboarding with Petiole, a client’s investment amount is placed in a special fund where it will be invested in liquid fixed-income securities and money markets. As soon as opportunities within our programs are open for investments, capital is withdrawn and committed to the selected program.

For commitments that amount to USD 2,000,000, pre-funding is required; as for commitments that exceed USD 2,000,000, pre-funding is optional.

Pre-funded amounts will be invested in money markets and liquid fixed-income securities through a pre-funding vehicle. These amounts will be called for deal payments as the investment occur.

Petiole offers 4 investment programs varying from liquid to illiquid; with holding periods that extend from short to long term, (3 to 7 years on average). For additional details, kindly visit our investment solutions section on

Our team has been carefully selected to guide investors on their journey as well as craft tailored investment products. Petiole is an asset manager of collective assets licensed by the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) and is acting as portfolio manager for an umbrella structure, a Luxembourg Reserved Alternative Investment Fund (RAIF).

Our clients’ investments are segregated from the financial framework of Petiole Asset Management AG. Our clients own shares directly in the Lux Fund Setup, separate from the balance sheet of Petiole.

Risk is an integral part of investments and cannot be completely taken out of the equation. However, we subject all opportunities to a stringent selection process and draw up risk management strategy. Our team actively monitors market conditions to preemptively identify any risk and mitigate it accordingly.

Our transparent fee structure includes only a management fee and a performance fee, without any hidden costs or additional fees. Each investment program has its own fee structure. For more info, contact us.


Petiole Asset Management AG is regulated in Switzerland and licensed by the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA).

Petiole strives to “democratize” exclusive private market investments by ensuring that our clients can invest with lower ticket sizes starting CHF150,000. Institutional investors can refer to our Institutional Clients page.

In line with Swiss regulation, we provide services to professional clients with residence in Switzerland.

High-net-worth retail clients and private investment structures created for them may declare that they wish to be treated as professional clients. Any person who can credibly declare that they satisfy the following criteria will be deemed as professional client:

·       on the basis of training, education and professional experience or on the basis of comparable experience in the financial sector, they possess the necessary knowledge to understand the risks associated with the investments and have at their disposal assets of at least CHF 500,000;


·       they have at their disposal assets of at least CHF 2 million.

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